Damage Assessment Form

If your home or business was still storm damaged as of Jan. 1, 2025, please use this online form to report your details.

For additional information and answers to FAQs, please visit our Property Damage Reporting Hub.

Para ver este formulario en español, haga clic aquí

Following a hurricane, storm, flood and other natural disaster, Hillsborough County Property Appraiser Bob Henriquez and his office stand ready to help you through the assessment process. The HCPA strives to ensure you are able to take advantage of any protections allowed by state law when making repairs to or replacing your property.

To report damage for consideration of your 2025 property tax assessment, please fill out the information requested in this form, and we will begin the review process.

If you have any questions regarding this Damage Assessment Form, please email us at StormDamage@hcpafl.org or call our Property Damage Hotline at 813-272-6332.

For additional information regarding the reporting of property damage, property owners may also contact their local jurisdictions.

Please note that when dealing with independent agencies, the Hillsborough County Property Appraiser's office may not have immediate access to the information you provide in this form.

(All fields on this form marked with an asterisk are required entries)



You may include up to four (4) attachments:
*Supported file types include:
.jpg, .gif, .pdf, .png,.word, .xls, .xlsx, .html, .rtf, .heic and .txt

* Name your file(s) with your folio number, followed by an underscore and the sequential number. (i.e.: 000060-5010_1.jpg)

File names can not contain illegal characters.

Maximum File Size is 5 mb: